Terms and conditions of sale


The present general conditions regard the distance purchasing of products carried out via
telematic network through the website operartshop.com property of Opera Laboratori
Fiorentini S.p.A. in Florence, Via Pellicceria 10. Purchasing operations will be regulated by the consumer code Legislative decree no. 206/2005 and subsequent modifications and supplements while the protection of personal data will be regulated by the EU Regulation no. 2016/679 and Legislative decree 196/03 and subsequent modifications and supplements. We make shipments worldwide in compliance with each country’s entrance and exit of goods regulations. Invoicing conditions: Companies requesting an invoice must fill out the form in full.


The conditions in the introduction are an integral and essential part of the present contract.
Sales will be finalized through the customer’s access to the operartshop.com website,
where the requested procedures are specified.
The present general sales conditions must be examined “online” by the client before
completing the purchase procedure. The forwarding of order confirmation implies a total
knowledge and acceptance of the same.
According to article no. 66 bis Legislative Decree no. 206/2005, the court of jurisdiction will
be that of the residence or domicile of the consumer if located in Italian territory.


Selling prices indicated on the operartshop.com website are in Euros and include VAT.
The prices do not include shipping costs nor any additional costs. The client will be
informed of the total cost of shipping before confirmation of the purchase.
The purchase contract will be finalized with the exact completion and the consent to
purchase expressed via “online” acceptance.
The customer can pay for the ordered goods using the methods of payment indicated “on
line” at the time of purchase (Visa, Mastercard and Maestro credit cards, PayPal, bank


Opera Laboratori Fiorentini S.p.A. owner of the site operartshop.com, will have the
purchased items delivered by carrier to the address indicated according to the conditions
defined in the previous article.
Opera Laboratori Fiorentini S.p.A. is at all times liable for the risk of damage/loss of goods
in transit. The customer becomes liable only when said customer – or third party other
than the carrier indicated by the customer – takes physical possession of the goods.


Laboratori Fiorentini S.p.A. does not accept responsibility for disservices due to force
majeure such as accidents, explosions, fires, strikes and/or lockouts, earthquakes, floods
and other similar events that prevent, complete or partial, execution of the contract by the
agreed deadline.
Laboratori Fiorentini S.p.A. is not responsible for any eventual fraudulent or illicit use by third parties, credit cards and other methods of payment, upon payment of the purchased goods. Opera Laboratori Fiorentini S.p.A., in fact, at no time during the purchase procedure has access to the buyer’s credit card number that, via a protected connection is transmitted directly to the banking service.


It is severely forbidden for the buyer to give false, and/or invented, and/or imaginary
information, during the registration procedure necessary to activate the procedure for the
execution of the present contract and further relative communications. The Client releases Laboratori Fiorentini S.p.A. from every liability stemming from the transmission of erroneous tax documents caused by errors relative to the information given by the Client, the said client being the sole person responsible for the correct data entry.


The customer has the right of withdrawal by returning the received goods and obtaining a refund. Check the conditions for the right of withdrawal on the RETURN OF GOODS page on the operartshop.com site.


We inform the Customers resident in Europe that the European Commission has
established an online platform for alternative disputes resolution. Said tool can be used by
European Consumers to resolve in a non-judicial manner every dispute concerning
contracts of sale of goods and services stipulated online and/or deriving from the same.
Therefore, the Consumer residing in Europe, can use said platform for the resolution of
every dispute stemming from the online contract stipulated in this site.
The European ODR (Online Dispute Resolution) platform is available at the following link:


Check the conditions for shipping on the SHIPPING page on the operartshop.com site.


The selling prices indicated on the operartshop.com website are in euros, VAT included.
The prices do not include shipping costs nor any other additional costs. The customer will
be informed of the total cost of the shipment before confirmation of the purchase.
The purchase contract will be finalized with the exact completion and the consent to
purchase expressed via the “online” data registration. The customer can pay for the ordered goods using the methods of payment indicated “on line” at the time of purchase (Visa, Mastercard and Maestro credit cards, PayPal, bank transfer). Opera Laboratori S.p.A. at no time during the purchase procedure has access to the buyer’s credit card number that, via a protected connection, is transmitted directly to thebanking service.