Published for the exhibition Territori della performance: percorsi e pratiche in Italia (1967-1982), this book provides the first reconnaissance of performance research in Italy in the 1960s and 1970s, an unprecedented map of the places identified by means of research in the archives and sources. Besides the works in the show, documented by texts, images and audio recordings that can be accessed by QR codes, the book presents essays by the curators Lara Conte and Francesca Gallo that delve more deeply into the subject, offering complementary readings of the theme. At the same time, the contribution by Giulia Pedace contextualizes the exhibition plan within the sphere of the activity promoted by the Centro Archivi MAXXI Arte, which since 2010 has collected the documentation of performances, historical actions, and reenactments carried out in the museum. The result is a choral reading that describes the cultural vitality and polycentrism of Italy from the late 1960s to the early 1980s.
Author: Lara Conte and Francesca Gallo
Number of pages: 128
Language: Ita/Eng
Copyright: Quodlibet
ISBN: 9788822920676