Conceived entirely by the artist for the show at MAXXI, the book illustrates Thomas Hirschhorn’s research on the Pixel-Collage, a series of works made between 2015 and 2017. Besides essays by the curators and international critics, the catalogue includes an anthology of writings by Thomas Hirschhorn and an original essay written exclusively for MAXXI. Especially interesting is the section titled “Showcase for Thoughts,” devoted to the research materials and sources used by the artist to create his works, such as paintings by other artists, images from advertising and reportage, books and brief texts. The book is richly illustrated, from views of installation to the images gathered together in the Catalogue Raisonné for a complete documentation of the Pixel-Collage cycle.
Author: Hou Hanru, Luigia Lonardelli
Number of pages: 244
Language: Bilingue Ita/Eng
Copyright: Nero Publishing
ISBN: 9788880561446